Is peace a piece of bread?
That I can go to market and trade
Because then, I would do so
And I will be willing to, repeatedly go
To get what I have lost
By simply paying its cost
Reality is Life’s not that simple
But more like a pimple
If you don’t get it back on track
It’s a glass that will sooner or later crack
Making a sound
Which will make you feel like being drowned
So, work hard to get your peace’s pieces back in place
Which you can easily trace
And ace at an unmatchable pace
In the world of happiness and pain
Where your deeds never go in vain
By relieving yourself of the attire
And letting yourself retire
By ignoring the satire
And igniting the fire
Based upon your desires
But not to ensure, whether world admires
Because the world doesn’t care
Whether you played the game fair
Or you were the locus of other’s stare
But only for your win out there
As that, proves you best
As per the performance in the test
Of Life
Of strive
On the path chosen by you
Having cruel lawyers waiting to see
To snatch away your peace
And not let you achieve
Your bread, butter; most importantly Cheese…
That I can go to market and trade
Because then, I would do so
And I will be willing to, repeatedly go
To get what I have lost
By simply paying its cost
Reality is Life’s not that simple
But more like a pimple
If you don’t get it back on track
It’s a glass that will sooner or later crack
Making a sound
Which will make you feel like being drowned

Which you can easily trace
And ace at an unmatchable pace
In the world of happiness and pain
Where your deeds never go in vain
By relieving yourself of the attire
And letting yourself retire
By ignoring the satire
And igniting the fire
Based upon your desires
But not to ensure, whether world admires
Because the world doesn’t care
Whether you played the game fair
Or you were the locus of other’s stare
But only for your win out there
As that, proves you best
As per the performance in the test
Of Life
Of strive
On the path chosen by you
Having cruel lawyers waiting to see
To snatch away your peace
And not let you achieve
Your bread, butter; most importantly Cheese…