Unwind the commoner whirlwind

Living in the era
Going with the trends
Is necessary to abide
Or else it will be a facial suicide???

Go with the flow
Or else it will be a blow???
Is the statement of commons
Is uniqueness taking you away from heavens

Wither your dreams
Of being the best and one
Or else, you will be reprimanded by rest???
And stop rising of sun???

Shatter your hopes
Fall for the melodramatic soaps
Or else you will be left alone
Your death will have no one to mourn???

Let’s unwind the cycle↩️
And keep the common aside
Bring in New tide
Caused by vibe of new
Only understood by few
As acceptance is no benchmark
That helps you thrive
But passion and perfection in your preaching
That makes you survive
The tides of sands
The volcanoes of water
The dunes of fire
The earthquakes of air

Making you absolutely rare…😎

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